
  • The tutorial text uses Atkinson Hyperlegible, which was designed to be easy for people with impaired vision to read. Code uses Source Code Pro and diagrams use Helvetica.

  • The colors in this theme are lightened versions of those used in classic Canadian postage stamps. The art in the title is by Danielle Navarro and used with her gracious permission.

  • The CSS files used to style code were obtained from highlight-css; legibility was checked using WebAIM WAVE.

  • Diagrams were created with the desktop version of

  • The site is hosted on GitHub Pages.

  • Traffic statistics are collected using Plausible, which provides a lightweight ethical alternative to surveillance capitalism.

  • Thanks to the authors of Ark, BeautifulSoup, html5validator, pybtex, ruff, and all the other software used in this project. If we all give a little, we all get a lot.