A Database

  • Database stores records so that they can be accessed by key.
  • Log-structured database appends new records to database and invalidates older versions of records.
  • Classes are data structures that can be saved like any other data.
  • The filesystem saves data in fixed-size pages.
  • We can improve the efficiency of a database by saving records in blocks.

Terms defined: block (of memory), compact (data or files), garbage collection, key-value store, log-structured database, null byte, page

Persisting objects (Chapter 16) lets us save and restore program state, but we often want to be able to look things up quickly without reloading all of our data. We would also like applications written in different languages to be able to get at our data, which might be easier if we choose a different storage format.

This chapter therefore builds a very simple log-structured database. The phrase “log-structured” means that records a log of operations, i.e., every new record is appended to the end of the database. Programmers have invented many other ways to store large amounts of data, but this is one of the easiest to understand.

Starting Point

Our starting point is a simple key-value store that lets us save records and look them up later. To use it, we have to provide a function that takes a record and returns its key. We store that function in the Database object for later use:

class Database:
    def __init__(self, key_func):
        """Initialize with function to get key."""
        self._key_func = key_func

    def add(self, record):
        """Store the given record."""
        raise NotImplementedError("add")

    def get(self, key):
        """Return record associated with key or None."""
        raise NotImplementedError("get")

If we want a dictionary that only stores things in memory, we can derive a class from Database that uses a dictionary with the values returned by the user’s key function for lookup (Figure 18.1):

from interface_original import Database

class JustDict(Database):
    def __init__(self, key_func):
        self._data = {}

    def add(self, record):
        key = self._key_func(record)
        self._data[key] = record

    def get(self, key):
        return self._data.get(key, None)
In-memory database
Figure 18.1: Storing a database as a single dictionary in memory.

This simple class is enough to let us start writing some tests. Let’s create a class to store experimental records:

class BasicRec:
    MAX_NAME_LEN = 6     # length of name in chars
    TIMESTAMP_LEN = 8    # length of timestamp in chars
    MAX_READING = 10     # maximum reading value
    MAX_READING_LEN = 2  # length of reading in chars
    MAX_READINGS_NUM = 2 # maximum number of readings

    def key(record):
        assert isinstance(record, BasicRec)
        return record._name

    def __init__(self, name, timestamp, readings):
        assert 0 < len(name) <= self.MAX_NAME_LEN
        assert 0 <= len(readings) <= self.MAX_READINGS_NUM
        assert all((0 <= r <= self.MAX_READING) for r in readings)
        self._name = name
        self._timestamp = timestamp
        self._readings = readings

    # [omit]
    def __str__(self):
        joined = ', '.join(str(r) for r in self._readings)
        return f"{self._name}({self._timestamp})[{joined}]"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
            (self._name == other._name) and \
            (self._timestamp == other._timestamp) and \
            (self._readings == other._readings)
    # [/omit]

and use the pytest.fixture decorator (Chapter 9) to create a database and two records:

def db():
    return JustDict(BasicExperiment.key)

def ex01():
    return BasicExperiment("ex01", 12345, [1, 2])

def ex02():
    return BasicExperiment("ex02", 67890, [3, 4])

Our first few tests are then:

def test_construct(db):
    assert db

def test_get_nothing_from_empty_db(db):
    assert db.get("something") is None

def test_add_then_get(db, ex01):
    assert db.get("ex01") == ex01

def test_add_two_then_get_both(db, ex01, ex02):
    assert db.get("ex01") == ex01
    assert db.get("ex02") == ex02

def test_add_then_overwrite(db, ex01):
    ex01._timestamp = 67890
    assert db.get("ex01") == ex01

Our next step is to save the user’s records in the database without tying the database to a particular type of record. The cleanest way to solve this problem is to require records to know how to convert themselves into something storable. Rather than passing a second function to the database’s constructor, we will refactor the database so that we pass in the object that represents the record class:

class Database:
    def __init__(self, record_cls):
        """Initialize with data manipulation functions."""
        self._record_cls = record_cls

    def add(self, record):
        """Store the given record."""
        raise NotImplementedError("add")

    def get(self, key):
        """Return record associated with key or None."""
        raise NotImplementedError("get")

We can now refactor our database to use a static method of the record class provided to its constructor when it needs a key:

from interface import Database

class JustDictRefactored(Database):
    def __init__(self, record_cls):
        self._data = {}

    def add(self, record):
        key = self._record_cls.key(record)
        self._data[key] = record

    def get(self, key):
        return self._data.get(key, None)

Saving Records

The next step in building a usable database is to have it store records rather than just refer to the user’s objects. Since we don’t want the database tied to any particular kind of record, records must know how to pack and unpack themselves. We could have used the techniques of Chapter 17, but to make our test and sample output a little more readable, we will pack numbers as strings with a null byte \0 between each string:

    def pack(record):
        assert isinstance(record, Experiment)
        readings = "\0".join(str(r) for r in record._readings)
        result = f"{record._name}\0{record._timestamp}\0{readings}"
        if len(result) < Experiment.RECORD_LEN:
            result += "\0" * (Experiment.RECORD_LEN - len(result))
        return result

The corresponding method to unpack a stored record is:

    def unpack(raw):
        assert isinstance(raw, str)
        parts = raw.split("\0")
        name = parts[0]
        timestamp = int(parts[1])
        readings = [int(r) for r in parts[2:] if len(r)]
        return Experiment(name, timestamp, readings)

These records look like the example below (which uses . to show null bytes):

from record import Experiment

ex = Experiment("abcdef", 12345, [6, 7])
print(Experiment.pack(ex).replace('\0', '.'))

Notice that our packing and unpacking methods are static, i.e., they’re part of the class but don’t require an object to work. More importantly, they don’t handle strings that contain null bytes. This limitation wasn’t part of our original design, but is instead an accident of implementation. We will look at ways around it in the exercises.

To finish off, we write methods to pack and unpack multiple records at once by joining and splitting single-record data:

    def pack_multi(records):
        return ''.join([Experiment.pack(r) for r in records])

    def unpack_multi(raw):
        size = Experiment.size()
        split = [raw[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(raw), size)]
        return [Experiment.unpack(s) for s in split]

and give our record class a static method that calculates the size of a single record:

class Experiment(BasicRec):
    RECORD_LEN = BasicRec.MAX_NAME_LEN + 1 \
        + BasicRec.TIMESTAMP_LEN + 1 \
        + (BasicRec.MAX_READING_LEN * BasicRec.MAX_READINGS_NUM) \
        + (BasicRec.MAX_READINGS_NUM - 1)

    def size():
        return Experiment.RECORD_LEN


We’re assuming that every record is the same size. If we want to save records with variable-length fields such as strings, we can either set a maximum size and always save that much data or make our implementation more complicated (and probably slower) by saving each record’s size and then scanning records in the same way that we scanned the bytes making up Unicode characters in Chapter 17. The first choice spends space (i.e., memory and disk) to save time; the second spends time to save space. As [Bentley1982] pointed out over 40 years ago, a lot of performance optimizations in programming come down to trading space for time or vice versa.

A File-Backed Database

We now have what we need to extend our dictionary-based implementation to write records to a file and load them as needed:

class FileBacked(Database):
    def __init__(self, record_cls, filename):
        self._filename = Path(filename)
        if not self._filename.exists():

    def add(self, record):
        key = self._record_cls.key(record)
        self._data[key] = record

    def get(self, key):
        return self._data.get(key, None)

This implementation stores everything in a single file, whose name must be provided to the database’s constructor (Figure 18.2). If that file doesn’t exist when the database object is created, we use Path.touch to create an empty file; either way, we then load the entire database into memory. When we add a record, we save it in the dictionary and call a helper method _save to write the entire database back to the file. When we get a record, we simply get it from the in-memory dictionary.

Using a single file
Figure 18.2: Saving the entire database in a single file.

The two helper methods we need to make this work are:

    def _save(self):
        packed = self._record_cls.pack_multi(self._data.values())
        with open(self._filename, "w") as writer:

    def _load(self):
        assert self._filename.exists()
        with open(self._filename, "r") as reader:
            raw = reader.read()
        records = self._record_cls.unpack_multi(raw)
        self._data = {self._record_cls.key(r): r for r in records}

It isn’t very efficient—we are loading the entire database the first time we want a single record, and saving the entire database every time we add a record—but we are getting closer to something we might actually use.

Playing with Blocks

How can we make our file-backed implementation more efficient? One option would be to save each record in a file of its own, in the same way that we saved each version of a file in Chapter 10. However, this strategy won’t give us as much of a performance boost as we’d like. The reason is that computers do file I/O in pages that are typically 2 or 4 kilobytes in size. Even when we want to read a single byte, the operating system always reads a full page and then gives us just the byte we asked for.

A more efficient strategy is to group records together in blocks of memory, each of which is the same size as a page, and to create an index in memory to tell us which records are in which blocks. When we add a record, we only write its block to disk; similarly, when we need a record whose block isn’t already in memory, we only read that block.

At this point we need to address an issue we should have tackled earlier. How do we handle updates to records? For example, suppose we already have a record with the ID 12345; what do we do when we get another record with the same ID? If we are storing the entire database in a single dictionary, the dictionary takes care of that for us, but if we are storing things in blocks, we will have multiple dictionaries.

This is where the “log-structured” part of our design comes in. Whenever we add a record to the database, we append it to the current block or start another block if the current one is full (Figure 18.3). We give each record a sequence number as we add it, and our overall index keeps track of the mapping from record IDs to sequence IDs. Since we know how many records there are in a block, we can quickly calculate which block contains the record with a particular sequence ID.

Mapping records to blocks
Figure 18.3: Mapping records to blocks.

Let’s create a new in-memory database using one dictionary for each block. The constructor creates self._next to store the sequence ID of the next record, self._index to map record IDs to sequence IDs, and a list self._blocks to store blocks:

class Blocked(Database):

    def size():
        return Blocked.RECORDS_PER_BLOCK

    def __init__(self, record_cls):
        self._next = 0
        self._index = {}
        self._blocks = []

    def num_blocks(self):
        return len(self._blocks)

    def num_records(self):
        return len(self._index)

To add a record, we:

  1. get the sequence ID for the record;

  2. store the key-to-sequence mapping in the index;

  3. find or create the right block; and

  4. add the record.

    def add(self, record):
        key = self._record_cls.key(record)
        seq_id = self._next_seq_id()
        self._index[key] = seq_id
        block_id = self._get_block_id(seq_id)
        block = self._get_block(block_id)
        block[seq_id] = record

To get a record given a record ID, we first ask if we even have that record. If we do, we:

  1. find its current sequence ID;

  2. find the corresponding block; and

  3. get the record.

    def get(self, key):
        if key not in self._index:
            return None
        seq_id = self._index[key]
        block_id = self._get_block_id(seq_id)
        block = self._get_block(block_id)
        return block[seq_id]

The three helper methods that add and get rely on are:

    def _next_seq_id(self):
        seq_id = self._next
        self._next += 1
        return seq_id

    def _get_block_id(self, seq_id):
        return seq_id // Blocked.RECORDS_PER_BLOCK

    def _get_block(self, block_id):
        while block_id >= len(self._blocks):
        return self._blocks[block_id]

Persisting Blocks

We now have working prototypes of the two parts of our design: saving data to file and dividing records into blocks. In order to combine them, we will inherit from our block-based implementation and extend the add and get methods to save and load data:

class BlockedFile(Blocked):
    def __init__(self, record_cls, db_dir):
        self._db_dir = Path(db_dir)

    def add(self, record):

    def get(self, key):
        if key not in self._index:
            return None
        return super().get(key)

We will explain the call to self._build_index() in a few paragraphs.

One at a Time

Exploring ideas one at a time and then combining them is a common tactic among experienced designers [Petre2016]. Creating classes like the all-in-one-file database that we don’t put into production may feel like a waste of time, but it usually saves us effort in the long run by reducing cognitive load.

Saving a block is mostly a matter of bookkeeping at this point. Given the record, we figure out which block it belongs in, save it, pack the block, and write the result to a file:

    def _save(self, record):
        key = self._record_cls.key(record)
        seq_id = self._index[key]
        block_id = self._get_block_id(seq_id)

        block = self._get_block(block_id)
        packed = self._record_cls.pack_multi(block.values())

        filename = self._get_filename(block_id)
        with open(filename, "w") as writer:

Loading involves almost the same steps, but our implementation splits it into two pieces:

    def _load(self, key):
        seq_id = self._index[key]
        block_id = self._get_block_id(seq_id)
        filename = self._get_filename(block_id)
        self._load_block(block_id, filename)

    def _load_block(self, block_id, filename):
        with open(filename, "r") as reader:
            raw = reader.read()

        records = self._record_cls.unpack_multi(raw)
        base = self.size() * block_id
        block = self._get_block(block_id)
        for i, r in enumerate(records):
            block[base + i] = r

We put the code to load a single block in a method of its own because we need to initialize the in-memory index when restarting the database:

    def _build_index(self):
        seq_id = 0
        for (block_id, filename) in enumerate(
            self._load_block(block_id, filename)
            for record in self._get_block(block_id).values():
                key = self._record_cls.key(record)
                self._index[key] = seq_id
                seq_id += 1

An obvious extension to our design is to save the index in a separate file each time we add or modify a record. However, we should profile this change before putting it into production to see if it actually improves performance (Chapter 15), since many small writes might cost more than one large multi-file read. We would also have to do something to avoid creating a race condition; as in Chapter 10, operating on two files (one for the index and one for the block) could lead to harmful inconsistencies.

Cleaning Up

The final step in our implementation is to clean up blocks that are no longer needed because we have a more recent version of every record they contain. Reclaiming unused space this way is another form of garbage collection. Python and most other modern languages do it automatically to recycle unused memory, but it’s our responsibility to do it for the files our database creates.

The steps in cleanup are:

  1. Calculate a new sequence ID for each record.

  2. Figure out which blocks contain records that we need to retain.

  3. Generate new block IDs for those blocks while also creating a set of IDs of blocks we can delete because all of their records are out of date.

  4. Delete and rename blocks.

  5. Generate a new in-memory index.

The implementation of these steps is mostly a matter of bookkeeping:

    def _cleanup(self):
        new_seq = {
            o: i for i, o in enumerate(self._index.values())
        keep = {self._get_block_id(o) for o in new_seq}

        renaming = {o: i for i, o in enumerate(list(sorted(keep)))}
        garbage_ids = {
            i for i in range(len(self._blocks))
            if i not in renaming


        new_index = {
            k: new_seq[self._index[k]] for k in self._index
        self._index = new_index
        self._next = len(self._index)

This method doesn’t compact storage, i.e., it doesn’t move records around to get rid of stale blocks within records. Production-quality databases do this periodically in order to use the disk more efficiently; we will explore this idea in the exercises.


Figure 18.4 summarizes the key ideas introduced in this chapter. Most real databases use different data structures than ours, but must deal with the same challenges: making data access fast without ever losing data or allowing it to become inconsistent.

Concept map for database
Figure 18.4: Concept map for a log-structured database.


Packing Null Bytes

Modify the experimental record class so that records are packed as strings but can safely contain null bytes.

Packing in Binary

  1. Modify the experimental record class so that it packs itself in a fixed-size binary record.

  2. How does this change the file I/O operations in the database class?

  3. Should those operations be moved into the record class or not?

Implement Compaction

Add a static method to the database that compacts blocks, i.e., rewrites all of the blocks so that only live records are stored.

Save the Index Separately

  1. Modify the database so that it saves the entire index in a single file.

  2. Design and run an experiment to determine if this change improves performance or not.