
Introduction (slides)

  • The complexity of a system increases more rapidly than its size.
  • The best way to learn design is to study examples, and the best programs to use as examples are the ones programmers use every day.
  • These lessons assume readers can write small programs and want to write larger ones, or are looking for material to use in software design classes that they teach.
  • All of the content is free to read and re-use under open licenses, and all royalties from sales of this book will go to charity.

Objects and Classes (slides)

  • Objects are useful without classes, but classes make them easier to understand.
  • A well-designed class defines a contract that code using its instances can rely on.
  • Objects that respect the same contract are polymorphic, i.e., they can be used interchangeably even if they do different specific things.
  • Objects and classes can be thought of as dictionaries with stereotyped behavior.
  • Most languages allow functions and methods to take a variable number of arguments.
  • Inheritance can be implemented in several ways that differ in the order in which objects and classes are searched for methods.

Finding Duplicate Files (slides)

  • A hash function creates a fixed-size value from an arbitrary sequence of bytes.
  • Use big-oh notation to estimate the running time of algorithms.
  • The output of a hash function is deterministic but not easy to predict.
  • A good hash function’s output is evenly distributed.
  • A large cryptographic hash can be used to uniquely identify a file’s contents.

Matching Patterns (slides)

  • Use globs and regular expressions to match patterns in text.
  • Use inheritance to make matchers composable and extensible.
  • Simplify code by having objects delegate work to other objects.
  • Use the Null Object pattern to eliminate special cases in code.
  • Use standard refactorings to move code from one working state to another.
  • Build and check the parts of your code you are least sure of first to find out if your design will work.

Parsing Text (slides)

  • Parsing transforms text that’s easy for people to read into objects that are easy for computers to work with.
  • A grammar defines the textual patterns that a parser recognizes.
  • Most parsers tokenize input text and then analyze the tokens.
  • Most parsers need to implement some form of precedence to prioritize different patterns.
  • Operations like addition and function call work just like user-defined functions.
  • Programs can overload built-in operators by defining specially-named methods that are recognized by the compiler or interpreter.

Running Tests (slides)

  • Functions are objects you can save in data structures or pass to other functions.
  • Python stores local and global variables in dictionary-like structures.
  • A unit test performs an operation on a fixture and passes, fails, or produces an error.
  • A program can use introspection to find functions and other objects at runtime.

An Interpreter (slides)

  • Compilers and interpreters are just programs.
  • Basic arithmetic operations are just functions that have special notation.
  • Programs can be represented as trees, which can be stored as nested lists.
  • Interpreters recursively dispatch operations to functions that implement low-level steps.
  • Programs store variables in stacked dictionaries called environments.
  • One way to evaluate a program’s design is to ask how extensible it is.

Functions and Closures (slides)

  • When we define a function, our programming system saves instructions for later use.
  • Since functions are just data, we can separate creation from naming.
  • Most programming languages use eager evaluation, in which arguments are evaluated before a function is called.
  • Programming languages can also use lazy evaluation, in which expressions are passed to functions for just-in-time evaluation.
  • Every call to a function creates a new stack frame on the call stack.
  • When a function looks up variables it checks its own stack frame and the global frame.
  • A closure stores the variables referenced in a particular scope.

Protocols (slides)

  • Temporarily replacing functions with mock objects can simplify testing.
  • Mock objects can record their calls and/or return variable results.
  • Python defines protocols so that code can be triggered by keywords in the language.
  • Use the context manager protocol to ensure cleanup operations always execute.
  • Use decorators to wrap functions after defining them.
  • Use closures to create decorators that take extra parameters.
  • Use the iterator protocol to make objects work with for loops.

A File Archiver (slides)

  • Version control tools use hashing to uniquely identify each saved file.
  • Each snapshot of a set of files is recorded in a manifest.
  • Using a mock filesystem for testing is safer and faster than using the real thing.
  • Operations involving multiple files may suffer from race conditions.
  • Use a base class to specify what a component must be able to do and derive child classes to implement those operations.

An HTML Validator (slides)

  • HTML consists of text and of elements represented by tags with attributes.
  • HTML is represented in memory as a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.
  • Trees are usually processed using recursion.
  • The Visitor design pattern is often used to perform an action for each member of a data structure.
  • We can summarize and check the structure of an HTML page by visiting each node and recording what we find there.

A Template Expander (slides)

  • Static site generators create HTML pages from templates, directives, and data.
  • A static site generator has the same core features as a programming language.
  • Special-purpose mini-languages quickly become as complex as other languages.
  • Static methods are a convenient way to group functions together.

A Code Linter (slides)

  • A linter checks that a program conforms to a set of style and usage rules.
  • Linters typically use the Visitor design pattern to find nodes of interest in an abstract syntax tree.
  • Programs can modify a program’s AST and then unparse it to create modified versions of the original program.
  • Dynamic code modification is very powerful, but the technique can produce insecure and unmaintainable code.

Page Layout (slides)

  • A layout engine places page elements based on their size and organization.
  • Page elements are organized as a tree of basic blocks, rows, and columns.
  • The layout engine calculates the position of each block based on its size and the position of its parent.
  • Drawing blocks on top of each other is an easy way to render them.
  • Use multiple inheritance and mixin classes to inject methods into classes.

Performance Profiling (slides)

  • Create abstract classes to specify interfaces.
  • Store two-dimensional data as rows or as columns.
  • Use reflection to match data to function parameters.
  • Measure performance to evaluate engineering tradeoffs.

Object Persistence (slides)

  • A persistence framework saves and restores objects.
  • Persistence must handle aliasing and circularity.
  • Users should be able to extend persistence to handle objects of their own types.
  • Software designs should be open for extension but closed for modification.

Binary Data (slides)

  • Programs usually store integers using two’s complement rather than sign and magnitude.
  • Characters are usually encoded as bytes using either ASCII, UTF-8, or UTF-32.
  • Programs can use bitwise operators to manipulate the bits representing data directly.
  • Low-level compiled languages usually store raw values, while high-level interpreted languages use boxed values.
  • Sets of values can be packed into contiguous byte arrays for efficient transmission and storage.

A Database (slides)

  • Database stores records so that they can be accessed by key.
  • Log-structured database appends new records to database and invalidates older versions of records.
  • Classes are data structures that can be saved like any other data.
  • The filesystem saves data in fixed-size pages.
  • We can improve the efficiency of a database by saving records in blocks.

A Build Manager (slides)

  • Build managers track dependencies between files and update files that are stale.
  • Every build rule has a target, some dependencies, and a recipe for updating the target.
  • Build rules form a directed graph which must not contain cycles.
  • Pattern rules describe the dependencies and recipes for sets of similar files.
  • Pattern rules can use automatic variables to specify targets and dependencies in recipes.

A Package Manager (slides)

  • Software packages often have multiple versions, which are usually identified by multi-part semantic version numbers.
  • A package manager must find a mutually-compatible set of dependencies in order to install a package.
  • Finding a compatible set of packages is equivalent to searching a multi-dimensional space.
  • The work required to find a compatible set of packages can grow exponentially with the number of packages.
  • Eliminating partially-formed combinations of packages can reduce the work required to find a compatible set.
  • An automated theorem prover can determine if a set of logical propositions can be made consistent with each other.
  • Most package managers use some kind of theorem prover to find compatible sets of packages to install.

Transferring Files (slides)

  • Every computer on a network has a unique IP address.
  • The Domain Name System (DNS) translates human-readable names into IP addresses.
  • Programs send and receive messages through numbered sockets.
  • The program that receives a message is responsible for interpreting the bytes in the message.
  • To test programs that rely on the network, replace the network with a mock object that simulates message transmission and receipt.

Serving Web Pages (slides)

  • The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) specifies one way to interact via messages over sockets.
  • A minimal HTTP request has a method, a URL, and a protocol version.
  • A complete HTTP request may also have headers and a body.
  • An HTTP response has a status code, a status phrase, and optionally some headers and a body.
  • HTTP is a stateless protocol: the application is responsible for remembering things between requests.

A File Viewer (slides)

  • The curses module manages text terminals in a platform-independent way.
  • Write debugging information to a log file when the screen is not available.
  • We can use a callable object in place of a function to satisfy an API’s requirements.
  • Test programs using synthetic data.
  • Using delayed construction and/or factory methods can make code easier to evolve.
  • Refactor code before attempting to add new features.
  • Separate the logic for managing data from the logic for displaying it.

Undo and Redo (slides)

  • Replace user interface components with mock objects to simplify testing.
  • Record actions and state to check behavior these mock objects.
  • Use objects to represent actions to record history and enable undo.
  • Recording state is easier but more expensive than recording changes.

A Virtual Machine (slides)

  • Every computer has a processor with a particular instruction set, some registers, and memory.
  • Instructions are just numbers but may be represented as assembly code.
  • Instructions may refer to registers, memory, both, or neither.
  • A processor usually executes instructions in order but may jump to another location based on whether a conditional is true or false.

A Debugger (slides)

  • Interactive programs can be tested by simulating input and recording output.
  • Testing interactive programs is easier if their inputs and outputs can easily be replaced with mock objects.
  • Debuggers usually implement breakpoints by temporarily replacing actual instructions with special ones.
  • Using lookup tables for function or method dispatch makes programs easier to extend.

Observers (slides)


Generating Documentation (slides)

  • Instructions are just numbers but may be represented as assembly code.
  • Instructions may refer to registers, memory, both, or neither.
  • A processor usually executes instructions in order but may jump to another location based on whether a conditional is true or false.

File Compression (slides)


A File Cache (slides)

  • Software systems often use caches to store a subset of files in order to use less disk space.
  • Caching systems can replace actual files with placeholders containing metadata.
  • Object-oriented systems are often implemented in stages to break large design problems into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • In a good design, derived classes only have to override a few (preferably none) of the methods implemented in parent classes.
  • Implementing a minimum testable class allows early testing of core functionality.

Object-Relational Mapper (slides)


Concurrency (slides)