A File Viewer

  • The curses module manages text terminals in a platform-independent way.
  • Write debugging information to a log file when the screen is not available.
  • We can use a callable object in place of a function to satisfy an API’s requirements.
  • Test programs using synthetic data.
  • Using delayed construction and/or factory methods can make code easier to evolve.
  • Refactor code before attempting to add new features.
  • Separate the logic for managing data from the logic for displaying it.

Terms defined: buffer (of text), delayed construction, enumeration, factory method, log file, synthetic data, viewport

Before they need version control tools or interpreters, programmers need a way to edit text files. Even simple editors like Notepad and Nano do a lot of things: moving a cursor, inserting and deleting characters, and more. This is too much to fit into one lesson, so this chapter builds a tool for viewing files, which Chapter 24 extends to create an editor with undo and redo. Our example is inspired by this tutorial written by Wasim Lorgat.


Our starting point is the curses module, which handles interaction with text terminals on several different operating systems in a uniform way. A very simple curses-based program looks like this:

import curses

def main(stdscr):
    while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":

curses.wrapper takes a function with a single parameter as input, does some setup, and then calls that function with an object that acts as an interface to the screen. (It is called stdscr, for “standard screen”, by analogy with standard input stdin and standard output stdout.) Our function main is just an infinite loop that consumes keystrokes but does nothing with them. When we run the program, it clears the screen and waits for the user to interrupt it by typing Ctrl-C.

We’d like to see what the user is typing, but since the program has taken over the screen, print statements won’t be of use. Running this program inside a single-stepping debugger is challenging for the same reason, so for the moment we will cheat and create a log file for the program to write to:

LOG = None

def open_log(filename):
    global LOG
    LOG = open(filename, "w")

def log(*args):
    print(*args, file=LOG)

With this in hand, we can rewrite our program to take the name of the log file as its sole command-line argument and print messages to that file to show the keys that are being pressed. We can also modify the program so that when the user presses q, the program exits cleanly:

def main(stdscr):
    while True:
        key = stdscr.getkey()
        if key.lower() == "q":

if __name__ == "__main__":

Notice that we print the representation of the characters using repr so that (for example) a newline character shows up in the file as '\n' rather than as a blank line.

We are now ready to actually show some text. Given a list of strings, the revised main function below will repeatedly:

  1. clear the screen,

  2. display each line of text in the correct location,

  3. wait for a keystroke, and

  4. exit if the key is a q.

def main(stdscr, lines):
    while True:
        for (y, line) in enumerate(lines):
            stdscr.addstr(y, 0, line)
        key = stdscr.getkey()
        if key.lower() == "q":

Two things about this function need to be kept in mind. First, as explained in Chapter 14, screens put (0, 0) in the upper left rather than the lower left, and increasing values of Y move down rather than up. To make things even more confusing, curses uses (row, column) coordinates, so we have to remember to write (y, x) instead of (x, y).

The other oddity in this function is that it erases the entire screen each time the user presses a key. Doing this is unnecessary in most cases—if the user’s action doesn’t modify the text being shown, there’s no need to redraw it—but keeping track of which actions do and don’t require redraw would require extra code (and extra debugging). For now, we’ll do the simple, inefficient thing.

Here’s how we run our revised main function:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_lines, logfile = int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2]
    lines = make_lines(num_lines)
    curses.wrapper(lambda stdscr: main(stdscr, lines))

From top to bottom, we make a list of strings to display, open the log file, and then use lambda to make an anonymous function that takes a single screen object as input (which curses.wrapper requires) and immediately calls main with the two arguments that it requires.

A real text viewer would display the contents of a file, but for development we will just make up a regular pattern of text:

from string import ascii_lowercase

def make_lines(num_lines):
    result = []
    for i in range(num_lines):
        ch = ascii_lowercase[i % len(ascii_lowercase)]
        result.append(ch + "".join(str(j % 10) for j in range(i)))
    return result

If we ask for five lines, the pattern is:


These lines are a very (very) simple example of synthetic data, i.e., data that is made up for testing purposes. If the viewer doesn’t work for this text it probably won’t work on actual files, and the patterns in the synthetic data will help us spot mistakes in the display.


Our file viewer works, but only for small examples. If we ask it to display 100 lines, or anything else that is larger than our screen, it falls over with the message _curses.error: addwstr() returned ERR because it is trying to draw outside screen. The solution is to create a Window class that knows how big the screen is and only displays lines (or parts of lines) that fit inside it:

class Window:
    def __init__(self, screen):
        self._screen = screen

    def draw(self, lines):
        for (y, line) in enumerate(lines):
            if 0 <= y < curses.LINES:
                self._screen.addstr(y, 0, line[:curses.COLS])

Our main function is then:

def main(stdscr, lines):
    window = Window(stdscr)
    while True:
        key = stdscr.getkey()
        if key.lower() == "q":

Notice that main creates the window object. We can’t create it earlier and pass it into main as we do with lines because the constructor for Window needs the screen object, which doesn’t exist until curses.wrapper calls main. This is an example of delayed construction and is going to constrain the rest of our design (Figure 23.1).

Delayed construction
Figure 23.1: Order of operations in delayed construction.

Nothing says we have to make our window exactly the same size as the terminal that is displaying it. In fact, testing will be a lot simpler if we can create windows of arbitrary size (so long as they aren’t larger than the terminal). This version of Window takes an extra parameter size which is either None (meaning “use the full terminal”) or a (rows, columns) pair specifying the size we want:

class Window:
    def __init__(self, screen, size):
        self._screen = screen
        if size is None:
            self._nrow = curses.LINES
            self._ncol = curses.COLS
            self._nrow = min(size[ROW], curses.LINES)
            self._ncol = min(size[COL], curses.COLS)

    def draw(self, lines):
        for (y, line) in enumerate(lines):
            if 0 <= y < self._nrow:
                self._screen.addstr(y, 0, line[:self._ncol])

We’re going to have a lot of two-dimensional (row, column) coordinates in this program, so let’s define a pair of constants ROW and COL to be more readable than 0 and 1 or R and C. (We should really create an enumeration, but a pair of constants is good enough for now.)

ROW = 0
COL = 1
class Window:

    def draw(self, lines):
        for (y, line) in enumerate(lines):
            if 0 <= y < self._size[ROW]:
                self._screen.addstr(y, 0, line[:self._size[COL]])


Our program no longer crashes when given large input to display, but we can’t see any of the text outside the window. To fix that, we need to teach the application to scroll. let’s create another class to keep track of the position of a cursor:

class Cursor:
    def __init__(self):
        self._pos = [0, 0]

    def pos(self):
        return tuple(self._pos)

    def up(self): self._pos[ROW] -= 1

    def down(self): self._pos[ROW] += 1

    def left(self): self._pos[COL] -= 1

    def right(self): self._pos[COL] += 1

The cursor keeps track of its current (row, column) position in a list, but Cursor.pos returns the location as a separate tuple so that other code can’t modify it. In general, nothing outside an object should be able to change the data structures that object uses to keep track of its state; otherwise, it’s very easy for the internal state to become inconsistent in difficult-to-debug ways.

Now that we have a way to keep track of where the cursor is, we can tell curses to draw the cursor in the right location each time it renders the screen:

def main(stdscr, size, lines):
    window = Window(stdscr, size)
    cursor = Cursor()
    while True:
        key = stdscr.getkey()
        if key == "KEY_UP": cursor.up()
        elif key == "KEY_DOWN": cursor.down()
        elif key == "KEY_LEFT": cursor.left()
        elif key == "KEY_RIGHT": cursor.right()
        elif key.lower() == "q":

As this code shows, the screen’s getkey method returns the names of the arrow keys. And since stdscr.move takes two arguments but cursor.pos returns a two-element tuple, we spread the latter with * to satisfy the former.

When we run this program and start pressing the arrow keys, the cursor does indeed move. In fact, we can move it to the right of the text, or below the bottom line of the text if there are fewer lines of text than rows in our window. What’s worse, if we move the cursor off the left or top edges of the screen our program crashes with the message _curses.error: wmove() returned ERR. And we still can’t see all the lines in a long “file”: the text doesn’t scroll down when we go to the bottom.

We need to constrain the cursor’s movement so that it stays inside the text (not just the window), while simultaneously moving the text up or down when appropriate. Before tackling those problems, we will reorganize the code to give ourselves a better starting point.


Our first change is to write a class to represent the application as a whole; our program will then create one instance of this class, which will own the window and cursor. The trick to making this work is to take advantage of one of the protocols introduced in Chapter 9: if an object has a method named __call__, that method will be invoked when the object is “called” as if it were a function:

class Pretend:
    def __init__(self, increment):
        self._increment = increment

    def __call__(self, value):
        return value + self._increment

p = Pretend(3)
result = p(10)

Since the MainApp class below defines __call__, curses.wrapper believes we have given it the single-parameter function it needs:

class MainApp:
    def __init__(self, size, lines):
        self._size = size
        self._lines = lines

    def __call__(self, screen):

    def _setup(self, screen):
        self._screen = screen
        self._window = Window(self._screen, self._size)
        self._cursor = Cursor()

The __call__ method calls _setup to create and store the objects the application needs, then _run to handle interaction. The latter is:

    def _run(self):
        while True:
            key = self._screen.getkey()
            if key == "KEY_UP": self._cursor.up()
            elif key == "KEY_DOWN": self._cursor.down()
            elif key == "KEY_LEFT": self._cursor.left()
            elif key == "KEY_RIGHT": self._cursor.right()
            elif key.lower() == "q":

Finally, we pull the startup code into a function start so that we can use it in future versions of this code:

def start():
    num_lines, logfile = int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2]
    size = None
    if len(sys.argv) > 3:
        size = (int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4]))
    lines = make_lines(num_lines)
    return size, lines

and then launch our application like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    size, lines = start()
    app = MainApp(size, lines)

Next, we refactor _run to handle keystrokes using dynamic dispatch instead of a long chain of if/elif statement:

        "\x18": "CONTROL_X"

    def _interact(self):
        key = self._screen.getkey()
        key = self.TRANSLATE.get(key, key)
        name = f"_do_{key}"
        if hasattr(self, name):
            getattr(self, name)()

    def _do_CONTROL_X(self):
        self._running = False

    def _do_KEY_UP(self):

A little experimentation showed that while the curses module uses names like "KEY_DOWN" for arrow keys, it returns actual control codes for key combinations like Ctrl-X. The TRANSLATE dictionary turns these into human-readable names that we can glue together with _do_ to make a method name; we got the hexadecimal value "\x18" by logging keystrokes to a file and then looking at its contents. We could probably have found this value in some documentation somewhere if we had looked hard enough, but a ten-second experiment seemed simpler.

With _interact in place, we can rewrite _run to be just five lines long:

class DispatchApp(MainApp):
    def __init__(self, size, lines):
        super().__init__(size, lines)
        self._running = True

    def _run(self):
        while self._running:

It now relies on a member variable called _running to keep the loop going. We could have had each key handler method return True or False to signal whether to keep going or not, but we found out the hard way that it’s very easy to forget to do this, since almost every handler method’s result is going to be the same.


DispatchApp inherits from our first MainApp so that we can recycle the initialization code we wrote for the latter. To make this happen, DispatchApp.__init__ upcalls to MainApp.__init__ using super().__init__. We probably wouldn’t create multiple classes in a real program, but doing this simplifies exposition when teaching. In order to make this work cleanly, we did have to move some code around as later examples showed us that we should have divided things up differently in earlier examples.

This is normal. Nobody has perfect foresight; if we haven’t built a particular kind of application several times, we can’t anticipate all of the affordances we might need, so going back and refactoring old code to make new code easier to write is perfectly natural. If we need to refactor every time we want to add something new, though, we should probably rethink our design entirely.

We now have classes to represent the application, the window, and the cursor, but we are still storing the text to display as a naked list of lines. Let’s wrap it up in a class:

class Buffer:
    def __init__(self, lines):
        self._lines = lines[:]

    def lines(self):
        return self._lines

This text buffer class doesn’t do much yet, but will later keep track of the viewable region. Again, we make a copy of lines rather than using the list the caller gives us so that other code can’t change the buffer’s internals. The corresponding change to the application class is:

class BufferApp(DispatchApp):
    def __init__(self, size, lines):
        super().__init__(size, lines)

    def _setup(self, screen):
        self._screen = screen

    def _make_window(self):
        self._window = Window(self._screen, self._size)

    def _make_buffer(self):
        self._buffer = Buffer(self._lines)

    def _make_cursor(self):
        self._cursor = Cursor()

Factory Methods

We want to re-use as much of BufferApp as possible in upcoming versions of our file viewer. If setup calls the constructors of specific classes to create the window, buffer, and cursor objects, we will have to rewrite the entire method each time we change the classes we use for those things. Putting constructor calls in factory methods makes the code longer but allows us to override them one by one. We didn’t do this when we were first writing these examples; instead, as described in the previous callout, we went back and refactored earlier classes to make later ones easier.


We are now ready to keep the cursor inside both the text and the screen. The ClipCursor class below takes the buffer as a constructor argument so that it can ask how many rows there are and how big each one is, but its up, down, left, and right methods have exactly the same signatures as the corresponding methods in the original Cursor class. As a result, while we have to change the code that creates a cursor, we won’t have to make any changes to the code that uses the cursor:

class ClipCursor(Cursor):
    def __init__(self, buffer):
        self._buffer = buffer

    def up(self):
        self._pos[ROW] = max(self._pos[ROW]-1, 0)

    def down(self):
        self._pos[ROW] = min(self._pos[ROW]+1, self._buffer.nrow()-1)

    def left(self):
        self._pos[COL] = max(self._pos[COL]-1, 0)

    def right(self):
        self._pos[COL] = min(

The logic in the movement methods in ClipCursor is relatively straightforward. If the user wants to go up, don’t let the cursor go above line 0. If the user wants to go down, on the other hand, don’t let the cursor go below the last line, and so on. These methods rely on the buffer being able to report the number of rows it has and the number of columns in a particular row, so we define a new ClipBuffer class that provides those, and then override the _make_buffer and _make_cursor methods in the application class to construct the appropriate objects without changing the kind of window we are creating:

class ClipBuffer(Buffer):
    def nrow(self):
        return len(self._lines)

    def ncol(self, row):
        return len(self._lines[row])

class ClipApp(BufferApp):
    def _make_buffer(self):
        self._buffer = ClipBuffer(self._lines)

    def _make_cursor(self):
        self._cursor = ClipCursor(self._buffer)

When we run this program, we are no longer able to move the cursor outside the window or outside the displayed text—unless, that is, we go to the end of a long line and then move up to a shorter one. The problem is that up and down only change the cursor’s idea of the row it is on; they don’t check that the column position is still inside the text. The fix is simple:

class ClipCursorFixed(ClipCursor):
    def up(self):

    def down(self):

    def _fix(self):
        self._pos[COL] = min(

One sign of a good design is that there is one (hopefully obvious) place to make a change in order to fix a bug or add a feature. By that measure, we seem to be on the right track.


We are finally ready to scroll the text vertically so that all of the lines can be seen no matter how small the window is. (We will leave horizontal scrolling as an exercise.) A full-featured editor would introduce another class, often called a viewport, to track the currently-visible portion of the buffer. To keep things simple, we will add two member variables to the buffer instead to keep track of the top-most visible line and the height of the window:

class ViewportBuffer(ClipBuffer):
    def __init__(self, lines):
        self._top = 0
        self._height = None

    def lines(self):
        return self._lines[self._top:self._top + self._height]

    def set_height(self, height):
        self._height = height

    def _bottom(self):
        return self._top + self._height

The most important change in the buffer is that lines returns the visible portion of the text rather than all of it. Another change is that the buffer initializes _height to None and requires someone to set it to a real value later because the application’s _setup method creates the cursor, buffer, and window independently. If we were building a single class rather than layering tutorial classes on top of each other, we would probably go back and change _setup to remove the need for this.

Our buffer also gains two more methods. The first transforms the cursor’s position from buffer coordinates to screen coordinates:

    def transform(self, pos):
        result = (pos[ROW] - self._top, pos[COL])
        return result

The second method moves _top up or down when we reach the edge of the display:

    def scroll(self, row, col):
        if (row == self._top - 1) and self._top > 0:
            self._top -= 1
        elif (row == self._bottom()) and \
             (self._bottom() < self.nrow()):
            self._top += 1

As before, we derive a new application class to create the right kind of buffer object. We also override _run to scroll the buffer after each interaction with the user:

class ViewportApp(ClipAppFixed):
    def _make_buffer(self):
        self._buffer = ViewportBuffer(self._lines)

    def _make_cursor(self):
        self._cursor = ViewportCursor(self._buffer, self._window)

    def _run(self):
        while self._running:
            screen_pos = self._buffer.transform(self._cursor.pos())

Notice that the ViewportApp class creates a ViewportCursor. When we were testing the program, we discovered that we had introduced a bug: the cursor could go outside the window again if the line it was currently on was wider than the window. The solution is to add another check to _fix and to ensure that left and right movement constrain the cursor’s position in the same way as vertical movement:

class ViewportCursor(ClipCursorFixed):
    def __init__(self, buffer, window):
        self._window = window

    def left(self):

    def right(self):

    def _fix(self):
        self._pos[COL] = min(
            self._buffer.ncol(self._pos[ROW]) - 1,
            self._window.size()[COL] - 1


Figure 23.2 summarizes the ideas introduced in this chapter. Keeping track of several sets of coordinates is a lot of bookkeeping; one of the big attractions of frameworks like Textualize is how much of this they do for us.

Concept map of file viewer
Figure 23.2: Concept map.


Using global

  1. Why does open_log need the line global LOG? What happens if it is removed?

  2. Why doesn’t the log function need this statement?

Horizontal Scrolling

Modify the application to scroll horizontally as well as vertically.

Explain the Bug

Replace the ViewportCursor class in the final version of the code with the earlier ClipCursorFixed class, then explain the bug ViewportCursor was created to fix.

Line Numbers

Modify the file viewer to show line numbers on the left side of the text.


Figure 23.3 shows the classes we created in this tutorial. Summarize the changes in each.

Inheritance in lesson
Figure 23.3: Class definitions and inheritance in lesson.


The Window classes defined in this chapter accept user input to determine the size of the drawable area, using curses.LINES and curses.COLS by default. If a user provides sizes which are larger than the available area and tries to draw into that area, curses raises an error. Modify the code so that it doesn’t.